A step forward in process intensification.
Our Company
OFRTECH - Process Intensification, Lda was founded in 2019 as a spin-off company from University of Porto, Portugal, in order to commercialise its patented intellectual property in oscillatory flow reactor (OFR) technology.
The company is dedicated to the development and production of oscillatory flow reactors - which can be operating in batch or continuous mode - for mixing intensification of multiphase systems. The R&D of the company is performed in close collaboration with the Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy (LEPABE) - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and the Centre of Biological Engineering (CEB) - University of Minho.
The OFRTECH provide on-site training and on-going technical support.
Our Technology
Mixing efficiency is the key factor for the success of several processes. Stirred tank reactor is commonly used at industry, however, problems associated with bad mixing, scale up, product quality and process reproducibility, are typically reported.
In order to overcome these limitations, the OFRTECH commercialize a new generation of oscillatory flow reactor (OFR) based on a patent design.
OFR is basically a column/channel provided with periodic constrictions, called baffles, operating under oscillatory flow mixing (OFM). The liquid or multiphase fluid is typically oscillated in the axial direction by means of diaphragms, bellows or pistons, at one or both ends of the tube/channel, developing an efficient mixing mechanism where fluid moves from the walls to the center of the tube/channel with intensity controlled by the oscillation frequency and amplitude. That mixing mechanism allow a significant increase of heat and mass transfer.
Our Products
Oscillatory Flow Plate Unit

photos: Carlos Fernandes

Top view of the OFPU

Side view of the OFPU.

Control unit of the linear motor. Ethernet connection and 4 temperatures readers.

Top view of the OFPU

photos: Carlos Fernandes

Fully thermostatized;

Can be assembled and disassembled easily for cleaning.​

Several ports for probe connectors to suit any PAT

Fully thermostatized;
The technology comprises a unit control and an patented oscillatory flow plate reactor (OFPR). This reactor is based on a modular "LEGO" type system enabling its use in most industrial applications allowing rapid and predictable scale-up without loss of efficiency.
Ready to start;
Fully automated​;
High chemical durability due to a full metal free system;
Can be operated in continuous and batch mode;
Outstanding mixing and heat exchange with patented design;
Mixing can be improved without changing the solution flow rate (by regulating the frequency and amplitude);
Plug flow under laminar flow conditions;
Multiple ports allowing extraction for sampling or output;
Fully thermostatized;
Several ports for probe connectors to suit any PAT​​;
Dimensions (mm) (w x d x h): 600 x 410 x 150.
Reagent requirements and waste are significantly reduced due to the size, geometry and ability of this novel OFPR to operate at low flow rates;
Manufacturing and operating costs are significantly reduced compared to the common reactors;
In terms of productivity, excellent heat and mass transfer is obtained;
Control of the drop size in liquid/liquid system;
Particles can be well suspended up to 50% (w/w);
Control of the particle size;
Reduction of crystallization time (up to 99%);
Up to 35x better on gas-liquid mass transfer (compared to bubble columns;
Solids and liquids have similar dispersion coefficients;
The OFPR can be assembled and disassembled easily for cleaning and it can even be made of disposable material;
Scale-up can be obtained by: i) OFPR replication, to increase the residence time (series configuration); ii) Oscillatory Flow Plate Units running in parallel to increase the production capacity; or iii) the two previous configurations together.
Commercial Use:
Fine chemical, biochemical, biological and pharmaceutical industries that intend to shift from batch to continuous processes.
This novel technology is suitable for multiphase applications such as screening reactions, bioprocess, gas-liquid absorption, liquid-liquid extraction, precipitation and crystallization.
Oscillatory flow plate reactor
The oscillatory flow plate reactor (OFPR) is suitable for small and medium-scale (millilitres to litres) multiphase applications such as screening reactions, bioprocess, gas-liquid absorption, liquid-liquid extraction, precipitation and crystallization (solids loading up to 50% w/w).
High chemical durability due to a full metal free system;
Outstanding mixing and heat exchange with patented design;
Low internal volume;
Fully thermostatized;
Multiple ports allowing extraction for sampling or output;
Several ports for probe connectors to suit any PAT;
Can be assembled and disassembled easily for cleaning.
Technical Specifications:
Flow rate: up to 200 ml/min;
Temperature: 0°C to 100°C;
Pressure: up to 2 barg;
Materials: PC/PTFE or PC/ETFE/Aluminium (other materials like: Stainless Steel 316L, Hastelloy C22, Peek, etc, on request);
Volume: 113 ml internal volume;
Reactor size: 240 mm x 240 mm or 100 mm x 600 mm (other sizes on request).

photos: Carlos Fernandes

Oscillatory Flow Tube Unit botton view.

Oscillatory Flow Tube Unit - Top view.

Table used to control the OFTU.

Oscillatory Flow Tube Unit botton view.
Oscillatory Flow Tube Unit
The technology - Oscillatory Flow Tube Unit (OFTU) - comprises a unit control and an patented oscillatory flow reactor (OFR) provided with smooth periodic constrictions (SPC). This unit is based on a modular system enabling its use in most industrial applications allowing rapid and predictable scale-up without loss of efficiency.
Ready to start;
Fully automated​;
High chemical durability;
Can be operated in continuous and batch mode;
Outstanding mixing and heat exchange with patented design;
Mixing can be improved without changing the solution flow rate (by regulating the frequency and amplitude);
Plug flow under laminar flow conditions;
Multiple ports allowing extraction for sampling or output;
Fully thermostatized (4 temperatures reading);
Several ports for probe connectors to suit any PAT​​;
Dimensions (mm) (w x d x h): 300 x 350 x 975.
Reagent requirements and waste are significantly reduced due to the size, geometry and ability of this novel OFR-SPC to operate at low flow rates;
Manufacturing and operating costs are significantly reduced compared to the common reactors;
In terms of productivity, excellent heat and mass transfer is obtained;
Control of the drop size in liquid/liquid system;
Particles can be well suspended up to 30% (w/w);
Control of the particle size;
Reduction of crystallization time (up to 99%);
Up to 35x better on gas-liquid mass transfer (compared to bubble columns;
Solids and liquids have similar dispersion coefficients;
Scale-up can be obtained by: i) OFR-SPC replication, to increase the residence time (series configuration); ii) Oscillatory Flow Tube Units running in parallel to increase the production capacity; or iii) the two previous configurations together.
Commercial Use:
Fine chemical, biochemical, biological and pharmaceutical industries that intend to shift from batch to continuous processes.
This novel technology is suitable for multiphase applications such as screening reactions, bioprocess, gas-liquid absorption, liquid-liquid extraction, precipitation and crystallization.
Oscillatory flow reactor (OFR-SPC)

photos: Carlos Fernandes
The oscillatory flow reactor (OFR) provided with smooth periodic constrictions (SPC) (patented design) is suitable for small and medium-scale (millilitres to litres) multiphase applications such as screening reactions, bioprocess, gas-liquid absorption, liquid-liquid extraction, precipitation and crystallization (solids loading up to 30% w/w).
Features: ​
Outstanding mixing and heat exchange with patented design;
Low internal volume;
Fully thermostatized;
Technical Specifications:
Flow rate: up to 1 L/min;
Temperature: 0°C to 100°C;
Pressure: up to 3 barg;
Materials: Borosilicate Glass (other materials like: Stainless Steel 316L, Hastelloy C22, PEEK, etc, on request);
Volume: 120 ml internal volume;
Reactor size: 605 mm x 40 mm (other sizes on request).
Application examples
Continuous crystallization of APIs

The OFPR technology has been adopted by a multinational pharmaceutical company, in the continuous crystallization of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) enabling:
a substantial better control over the crystal size distribution;
particles well suspended up to 50% (w/w);
similar dispersion coefficients of solids and liquids;
a reduction of up two orders magnitude in the crystallization time (from 10 hours to 7 min.);
a reduction of up to 15x in the footprint.
Ozonation water treatment

​Ozone-water mass transfer was investigated in continuous mode using a macroscale oscillatory flow reactor provided with smooth periodic constrictions (OFR-SPC).
Ozone-water mass transfer enhancement promoted by a novel oscillatory flow reactor:;
kLa values up to 32 times higher than those obtained in a bubble column;
OFR-SPC allows working with low ozone dosages and high liquid flow rates;
OFR-SPC is a promising alternative for ozone-driven water treatment.
Continuous Aqueous Two-Phase System Extraction (ATPE)

Conditions inside oscillatory flow reactor are shown to be suitable for continuous aqueous two-phase extraction, overtaking problems described in previous designs, and with the advantage of fast reaching steady state;
In the proof-of-concept approach, the yields of partition of myoglobin are statiscally the same in the batch and continuous assays;
OFPR will be ultimate goal of a scale-up process for continuous ATPE.
OFRTECH - Process Intensification, Lda​
Caminho do Lobo, nº 61, Silvares
3720-032 Carregosa